fake banks!

for those of u who had seen banks like this one...

these banks are obiously FAKE..i mean it FAKE...there are many games like runescape that are dublicates...when u start the game u have more than 1billion in cash nad stuff..and 99 in all lvls!...one of those games are moparscape which is the most famous one!

if u find those games are fun u should play them....as for other people u should NOT believe everything...have a good day=)

fist of guthix

Overview Introduction:Fist of Guthix is a free and members player versus player minigame. Rather than the traditional "first one to kill their opponent wins" style of play, tactics must be used to ensure victory over your opponent. In the game you are either the hunter or the hunted, each needing to do opposite things to gain 'charges' and win. These roles will be explained later on. Getting ThereThe cave to the Fist of Guthix is located under the wildnerness, just North of Varrock. Once you enter the cave you will need to speak to Fiara, the huge earwig in the cave, to learn how to play. After you have spoken to her you may get a bar that appears at the bottom of the screen stating that a cerain item you are carrying cannot be taken into the cave. There is a banker located near Fiara that you can put the contraband items in. Once you have done that, it's time to play!
Equipment: The only equipment that is permitted into the playing arena are weapons and armour. Note that there is a lot of running around involved in this game, so heavy metal armour which would give excellent protection, may slow you down. Choose your setup wisely! Note also that runes are provided for you in the game, and also ranged ammo will be returned to you.
The Hunter When you first enter the arena you will notice a box on the top right which will look like either of these: If you are the Hunter, then you have an easy job - track down your opponent and kill them! Your enemy will likely run around the huge circular area, trying to avoid your gaze so try to track them down with a logical path. If you find yourself running around the edges and can't seem to find them, try running to the centre every now and then to make sure their not right in the middle, gaining huge charges. Another useful tactic may be to stay near the centre so that your opponent can't gain lot of charges. Whichever tactic you wish to use, just make sure to kill your enemy.
The Hunted If you are the Hunted you have a slightly harder job to do. The first thing to do is to pick up a nearby stone and equip it so that you start to gain charges (the stone is two handed and you cannot fight back when it is equipped). The nearer to the centre of the arena you go the bigger number of charges you gain, but also take more damage and have even more reduced stats. To help you avoid your opponent once they have spotted you there are safe huts with portals near the centre of the arena.
Entering these damages you, but once inside you are invisible to the enemy. The portals in them teleport you to another random hut around the arena - which is useful for throwing off your enemy. Note that you can only enter these huts every 20 seconds. The only spells which can be used when you are the Hunted are the Vengeance, Cure Poison and Dream spells. If you manage to kill the hunter, they will simply respawn at the edge of the arena again, ready to try kill you again. The player with the most charges after you have played as both roles is declared the winner and is awarded with some Fist of Guthix tokens and a rating.

all the skill capes

for a special request a decided to add a skillcape emote vidio

new icon for the website!

f2p full world map

u can download the pic and zoom it for more details

prince ali rescue quest

Difficulty level: Medium
Start location: Hassan in the Al-Kharid palace
Items: A few gp (500 should be enough), 7 balls of wool(or 3 balls of wool and a rope), ash, flour, bucket of water, redberries, 2 onions, pink skirt, soft clay, bronze bar and 3 beers. NPC: Hassan (in the Al-Kharid palace), Osman (Outside the Al-Kharid palace), Leela (east of Draynor Village), Aggie (Draynor Village), Ned (Draynor village), Joe (jail east of Draynor Village), Lady Keli, Prince Ali
1- Osman: Osman can be found outside the palace, talk to him for your mission briefing. He will tell you that you must tie up a woman and then disguise the prince as her. He will also tell you that you'll have to make a key to free the prince
2- Leela: Leela can be found to the east of Draynor, talk with her, and she'll tell you to go and talk with a witch. That's Aggie, she's in Draynor, but we won't go to her yet.
3- Rope and wig: Get some wool (use shears on some sheep, and then use the wool on a spinning wheel), you'll need 7 balls. Now go find Ned in Draynor and ask him to make the wig and rope.
4- Dye and skin colour: Now go to Aggie in Draynor. To make the skin paste you'll need to give her ash, flour, water and redberries (you can find these in the forest south of Varrock). For the wig dye (yellow), you'll need to hand her 2 onions and 5gp. Use the yellow dye on the wig.
5- Skirt: The skirt for the disguise can be bought in the clothes store in Varrock, it won't cost much.
6- Leela: Now that you have everything for the disguise, you'll need to make a key to get into the jail itself. You will need some soft clay (clay ore with water added to it) and a bronze bar for this.
7- The Key: When you have the soft clay and the bronze bar, head over to the jail and speak with Lady Keli. Tell her that she's famous, then ask her for her latest plan, then ask if she's sure that no one will try and get him out, ask if you can see the key, and then if you could touch it. Now you have the print. Go to Osman.
8- Osman: Osman will take the key print and the bronze bar. Go back to Leela and pick up your key.
9- The Guard: So... Guess what...? Our Joe likes to drink :) Tell him to chill out, ask him about what he buys with the wages, then go back to Leela and tell her you're thinking about getting him drunk, she'll tell you that's a good idea.
10- The Rescue: Talk with Joe again and ask him if he would fancy a beer, keep talking with him, and he'll take all two (or three) beers. Use your rope on Keli to tie her up, and then use your bronze key on the prison door. Talk with the prince and he'll escape. Go back to Hassan and get your reward
Free passage through the Al-Kharid gates 700gp Quest points gained on completion: 3

Difficulty level: Medium Start location: Talk to Veronica at gates of Draynor Manor. NPC: Veronica, Ernest, Professor Walkthrough Hide/Show: 1: Veronica Talk to Veronica at gates of Draynor Manor. She wants you to find her fiancée Ernest. Her fiancee went into the big spooky manor house to ask for directions. An hour later and he's still not out yet.2:Ernest Enter the Manor to the north of Veronica and climb the stairs, at the main staircase turn left to find a smaller spiral staircase, climb this. Talk to Professor Oddenstein who will tell you that Ernest has been turned into a chicken as part of his experiments. Demand that the Professor turn Ernest back immediately, he will tell you it is more complicated than that as the machine is missing some parts. You will then offer to find the parts he requires: the pressure gauge, a rubber tube and his oil can.3: Rubber Tube and Pressure Gauge Descend one flight of stairs to the first floor (second floor for Americans) and pick up the fish food in the room south of the stairs. Then descend to the entrance level. First you should take the poison from the room adjoining the Witch's room in the northwest corner of the manor. Use the poison you find here on the fish food to make poisoned fish food. Now walk to the east end of the mansion, here you should find a spade (take it) and a back door. This back door is the only way of leaving the mansion. Make sure you have your poisoned fish food and a spade and head outside. Walk around the manor to the western side where you will see a compost heap. Search this heap to find a key (you need a spade). Now continue to the fountain in the southwest corner of the gardens. Use your poisoned fish food on the fountain then search it to find a pressure gauge. Now enter the mansion again by the front doors. To the north of the stairs you will see a small room with a locked door. On the floor of the room there is a rubber hose guarded by a level 22 skeleton. Use your key to open the door. You do not have to fight the skeleton; you can just run in, grab the hose and run out.4: Oil Can Search the bookcase in the room with the red round table on the ground floor and you will find a secret entrance to the next room. Go down the ladders. You need to pull the right levers here to get the Oil can. If you really want to ruin the fun, here's the right combination:5: The levers Pull A, Pull B. Go through the northeastern door. Pull D. Go through the southwestern door then go through the southern door. Pull A, Pull B. Go through the northwestern door then the western door then the northern door. Pull E, Pull F. Go through the eastern door and then through the eastern door. Pull C. Go through the northwestern door then through the western door. Pull E. Go through the eastern door, the southern door, the southern door and finally the western door where you will find the oil can. To leave the cellar, go back up the ladder and pull the lever on the eastern wall to exit through the bookcase. 6: Back to the Professor Return to the Professor with the three items. He will turn Ernest back into a human. Ernest will be so pleased he will give you 300gp as a reward. Reward: 300gp

black knight fortress walkthrough

Difficulty level: Medium Start location: Falador, in the White knight's Castle.The black knights are up to no good. You are hired by the White Knights to spy on them and uncover their evil scheme. Required: Skills: Have 12 quest points. Items: Cabbage (from anywhere except Draynor village), Iron chainbody, Bronze med helm Monsters: Black Knights (Level 33) NPC: Sir Amik Varze (upstairs in the western tower of the White Knights' Castle in Falador). Walkthrough 1: Before approaching the castle Obtain an iron chainmail (can be bought from Wayne's Chains in south Falador) and a bronze medium helmet (helmet shop in the Barbarian Village or Draynor Manor respawn). Then go to the monastery (north west of the Barbarian Village) and take a few cabbages from their cabbage patch (you actually only need one, but you might accidentally eat it, it happens to a lot of people!) Next go to the Black Knights' Castle - it's at the base of Ice mountain, on the north eastern side.2: The element of disguise The front door is locked so you need to use the side door - the Guards' entrance. Put on your iron chain and bronze medium helmet and they don't suspect a thing :)3: Finding out about the secret plot The Castle is pretty complicated, so I'll direct you through. Upon entering, push your way through the fake wall directly in front of you. Go up two ladders and you'll find yourself on the wall walk (roof.) Go down the other ladder, through the door to the east and then up and down the next two ladders to get over the fence. You're now in the altar room. Go out through the door onto the balcony and quickly down the ladder so the knight doesn't hurt you too much. Sneak along the secret passageway and listen at the ventilation grill. You discover that the Black Knights are brewing up an invincibility potion, but that you can save the day by plopping the cabbage you've collected into the cauldron.4: Spoiling the potion Go all the way back to the door from which you entered, and this time go through the door to your east, move quickly up the ladder onto the outer wall. Proceed around the corner and push your way through another wall. Now, RIGHT CLICK on the cabbage and 'use' it on the hole in the floor. Make sure you don't eat it, or you'll have to go and get another.5: Finishing the quest. You chuck the cabbage down the hole, the potion froths and bubbles, and the potion is ruined. Go and talk to Sir Varze again and he'll reward you for your bravery.

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a party hat in trade view


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www.runescape.com for lvl 126 www.moparscape.org

green dragon

pic smile adiga