demon slayer

Difficulty level: Medium Start location: This quest starts in the center of Varrock market. Head over to the blue and white striped tent and talk to the gypsy inside. She will ask you for some money, only 1 gold, to get your palm read. She will then tell you that you are the chosen one, the one who will save the whole of Varrock from a mega demon called Delrith who, whilst alive, nearly destroyed Varrock 150 years ago! She tells you of a special sword named Silverlight, the only sword powerful enough to defeat Delrith. Also note the proper incantation the gypsy tells you when asking how Wally killed the demon. Required: Items: 1 gp, bucket/jug of water (bucket can be obtained in quest), 25 normal bones (cannot be noted) Monsters: Delrith NPC: Gypsy (Varrock), Sir Prysin (Varrock Palace), Captain Rovin (Varrock Palace), Wizard Traiborn (Wizards Tower) Walkthrough Hide/Show: Click here to view thecondensed version of this guide 1: Acquiring the sword: Go north from the tent into the castle, if you go a little North-west you will see a man named Sir Prysin, the person who is supposed to have Silverlight. He explains the Silverlight situation to you and sets you off on a quest to find 3 keys. 2: The First Key The easiest of all, go to the NW corner of the castle and go up the staircase twice, talk to Captain Rovin and he will eventually give you the key. 3: The Second Key Go to the castle kitchen (northeast corner) and go through the door to the courtyard and just to left of the exit you will see a drain. You will need a bucket of water, you can find a bucket by climbing the stairs in the kitchen, use the bucket on the kitchen sink to fill it with water. Use the bucket/jug (with water in it) on the drain and the key will fall into Varrock sewers. To get to the sewers, it's the (!) symbol on the map, east of the castle. The key is on the North-western path. Note: There is a bucket respawn just upstairs above the palace kitchen. 4: The Third key: For this one, you must make your way to the Wizards Tower, which is south-southeast of Draynor Village. Stop at the bank to get your 25 bones (or kill any easy monster like Chickens or Goblins to get them), as these are needed to get the third and final key. Once there, go up the stairs and talk to wizard Traiborn. You can also fight the wizards in the area for bones. 5: The Fight: After you have gotten all three keys make your way back to Varrock castle and talk to Sir Prysin and he will give you the Silverlight Sword. Now make your way to south of Varrock (you should see a stone circle) recite the incantation (this varies for every player) and fight Delrith. Reward: Silverlight Sword. Quest points gained on completion: 3 Tips, tricks & notes: If you lose Silverlight after completing the quest, you can purchase another from Sir Prysin for 500 gp. If you forgot the incantation, you can go back the fortune teller and ask her for it. made by:Ali chelsea7 and Smile adiga

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