dragon slayer quest

Difficulty level: Hard Start location: Just outside Varrock, in the Champions guild. Speak to the Guild Master to start. Required: Skills: 32 quest points. Be good enough to beat a level 83 Dragon and a lesser demon(s). Items: 3 planks, 90 steel nails, Hammer, Unfired bowl, Wizard's mind bomb, Lobster pot, a piece of silk, and a good HIGH hitting 1 handed weapon. Suggested: An extra 10,000 gp is optional for one part of the quest. Bring good food for the final battle. Monsters: Worm brain (level 2), Giant Rat (level 3), Ghosts (level 19), Zombies (level 24), Skeletons (level 25), Melzar the Mad (level 43), Lesser Demons (level 82), Elvarg the Dragon (level 83). NPC: Champions Guild Master, Oziach, Oracle, Klarense, Ned, Duke Horacio Walkthrough Hide/Show: 1: To start off To start off, talk to the guild master in the Champions guild. Ask him about obtaining a Rune Plate mail, he will tell you that he has a friend, Oziach who can help you out with one. He can be found in a small hut just left of the entrance to Edgeville. He will tell you that you may be in the Champions but you may not be worthy of the title "Hero". He will set you off on a quest to kill the green dragon Elvarg on Crandor Isle. You will need to collect 3 map pieces in order to get to the isle. Return to the Champion's Guild, where the Guild Master will give you the key to Melzar's Maze. Ask the Guild Master all the questions you can in order to be able to proceed through the quest. You may want to drop the key and get a second one from him - some players like to train in the Maze. 2: The first map piece By far the hardest, bring maybe a couple of lobbies if you are low level as you need to fight a level 43 and level 82 lesser demon here. This is basically south west of Falador (north west of Rimmington). Make sure you have the key the guild master gave you. Click here to see theMelzar's Maze Map Make your way in and start killing some rats till you get a red key. Then go into the door in the north west corner and go up the ladder. Now you should be in a room with ghosts, kill them till you get the orange key. Then go though the door 2nd from the left, then up the ladder.- to Melzar the mad Keep killing skeletons until you get a yellow key and go into the most SW door, then follow the corridor around, then down the ladder. Kill some zombies till you get the blue key and go through the door leading to Melzar the mad (most Northern door). He will say all sorts of weird things but kill him and then go through the door leading to the Lesser Demon. The last part of the map can be collected! Kill the lesser and collect your green key. Go through the door and search the chest to get the map piece. If you die in the maze, you can talk to Oziach again about the first map piece to get another key and try again. 3: The second map piece For this you need: Unfired bowl (use soft clay on potters wheel - see crafting guide), Wizard's mind bomb (obtainable in Falador pub for 3 gp), Lobster pot (Port Sarim fishing shop 20 gp), and a piece of silk (Al-Kharid for 3 gp). Once you have all of that, go and speak with the Oracle on Ice Mountain, and then take the items down to the Dwarven Mine and use each on the door to the room in the north east corner, just before you go into the scorpion room. Enter the room and search the chest and voilá, another piece down and 1 to go. 4: The third map piece Right let's do the easiest first. There are two ways of getting this. The first is the hardest, but by far the cheapest. Go to the Port Sarim jail. You can either kill Wormbrain with magic or with range. Then use the Telekinetic grab spell on the piece of map he drops. If you're only level 31 magic you can drink an extra Wizard's mind bomb, which can be bought from the Falador bar, to get your magic high enough for the Telekinetic grab spell. If this is all too much effort for you or if your magic level is too low, you can simply buy the map for 10,000gp from Wormbrain. 5: Obtaining a boat Firstly you will need 3 planks (spawn on Entrana), 90 steel nails, hammer, and 2000 gp. Talk to the guy Klarense at the very end of Port Sarim harbour and offer to buy the boat; he will ask for 2k gp. A boat for 2k gold? BARGAIN! Oh, one problem - it's got a big hole in it. To get the planks you need to go to level 17 wilderness by the graveyard, or if you're a member, you can go to Entrana (speak to any Monk on the dock south of the pub in Port Sarim) or to the Barbarian Outpost where you'll find 4 respawns. If you have a Games Necklace, you can teleport there quickly. For the nails you need to smith 6 steel bars into nails, or buy them from another player (members may buy them from the Sawmill Operator north east of Varrock). Now go back to your boat and patch it up with your hammer and materials. 6: Preparation Before you go to Draynor, use the three map pieces with each other, and you'll have a full map. Now go to Draynor and find Ned the Fisherman and ask him if he will take you to Crandor. He will say yes and he will meet you at the boat. Plan on using your Home teleport to Lumbridge, or take the required runes for a teleport or an item that lets you teleport as the only way off the island is through Red Deadly spiders or dead. Oh, and take some cooked lobsters eh? Also, remember a good one-handed weapon (NOT a 2h nor a regular bow), and a dragonfire shield (you can get this from Duke Horacio upstairs in Lumbridge castle). So go to your boat and off you go. 7: Slaying the dragon You will crash into rocks when you stop and your boat will be ruined, so don't plan on taking it back. Click here to see theCrandor Island Map Get off the boat and make your way past all the dangers and into the dungeon. You'll be at the northern end of the dungeon. Click here to see theKaramja Volcano Dungeon Map Go ahead and into the fray of the green dragon's lair. He will hit no more than 13 on people with 40-45 defence (using the dragonfire shield, that is!) Just use the tactic, run heal attack over and over and you'll eventually win. The dragon uses long range fire breaths, so ranging or maging it isn't recommended, at least without wearing the anti-dragon shield. If you happen to die during the fight, you have to fix the boat to sail off away. Because of that it's recommended to go look for the secret door before fighting the dragon if you're not sure that you can beat the dragon.Returning later When you've killed the beast, you automatically cut of its head. Then, you can just run south through the Lesser Demons (level 82), and go out south through the "odd looking wall". You can now return through this wall at any time. When you get to the Deadly red spiders (level 34)(don't keeping walking south into more demons), head east towards the gold rocks and then south to the dangling climbing rope, where you can climb out. The isle is good for training higher levels; the lessers and skeletons are good experience. After you escape the dragon's lair, you must take the head to Oziach to prove you have killed it. Reward: 18,650 Strength and 18,650 Defence xp. Ability to wear Rune platebody and green dragonhide body armour. Quest points gained on completion: 2 Tips, tricks & notes: With the Construction update P2P players may obtain planks and nails from the Sawmill. made by:Ali chelsea7 and Smile adiga

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